My youngest was recently gifted ten dollars in a card from Grandma Judy. It's a regular occurrence to open the mailbox and find an envelope from Grandma Judy that has smiley faces, love, and cash inside. The question was clear: how to spend the money?
After weeks of pondering options, it was decided. A fish, because a guinea pig was absolutely denied! A date was selected when we would actually have time in between obligations to make the purchase. It seemed the obvious choice to go where we go for everything else in our life: WalMart. We could get a fish, a loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.
A big black fish was chosen and named Emperor Kuzco in honor of our very favorite Disney movie "
The Emperor's New Groove." In the movie, the Emperor is turned into a lama. In real life, our Emperor turned into a fish floating on it's side the morning after we got it.
The Emperor's death led to a great discussion on
life and death. Then we did what we should have done in the first place: went to an actual pet store where someone could tell us the best choice to make and give us suggestions for sustaining life.
We've kept our new beta fish, named Inca, alive for three days now and we couldn't be more pleased. Life is good.