I've been around the block a few times. Sometimes the trip was long and arduous, painful even. Sometimes the trip was fantastically beautiful, thrilling even. Thus, I'd like to share a few DOs and DONTs that have made the negotiation of my life a little easier.
DON'T pay for school pictures. You are much more capable of taking a cute picture of your child.
DO buy a class picture.
DON'T buy pictures of your child's soccer team either.
DO get them to kneel by the ball and take your own.
DON'T show up at the high school to surprise your child for lunch (lesson learned the hard way).
DO show up at the elementary school with a Happy Meal and surprise your child for lunch.
DON'T sign up to help out with everything.
DO volunteer when you can.
DON'T feel like a shower is imperative.
DO take naps with your babies.
DON'T let your child disrespect you.
DO teach your child to respect authority.
DON'T be afraid to trust your child. If they say their teacher is nuts, they could be right.
DO get both sides of the story.
DON'T overschedule.
DO make time to play with your kids.
DON'T be too busy to go to your kids games and activities.
DO make your husband a priority.
DON'T say I didn't warn you.
DO make the most of life, as it is quickly passing us by.