Friday, January 8, 2010

My Wii Little Friend

Santa brought new Wii games that would be more fun if we had a Wii board. So I bought one. Turns out the Wii board comes with Wii Fit. Wii Fit is AWESOME! Not only does it encourage me to exercise in really fun ways, but I now have my own personal trainer I can visit whenever I can negotiate 30 spare minutes.

Yesterday my 30 minutes came at 7 AM between getting this child up and that child off. When this child did get up he found me in a dark family room, basking in the glow of the t.v., cyber hula-hooping. Soon my 30 minutes turned to 60 and my Wii little friend advised me it was only my second day of training and perhaps I should take it easy. He likes me, he really likes me!

When the kids came home from school I broke it out and showed them all the cool stuff I'd found. I bragged how I was a "champion" golfer and how my Wii friend told me I should think about taking my game to a real golf course. How do you like them apples? A two-day relationship and he's already giving me great advice.

I think this relationship is really going places!

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