Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A big THANK YOU to C Jane for sending some new blogging friends my way!

Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by.

And a reminder to C Jane that Jamison is faithfully checking the mailbox for his $30.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your insight to negotiations. i feel like i'm practicing with a husband, hom and a job. your insight makes me feel less scared about adding kids to the mix. thank you. :)

  2. It's been a pleasure to meet you and I love your blog and the way you write. Thank you to cjane too for sending me over.


  3. LOVE to read your blog. I even had to read some of the posts out loud to my husband, especially the one about the small town lingo. He served part of his mission in southern Utah and had his fair share of negotiating through it too.
